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Mr. G Colley

grade 11 wind symphony | grade 12 wind symphony

MR. GREG COLLEY has been the Head of Music at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School since 2004. During this time, the program has seen great growth, currently seeing over 500 students taking music. Mr. Colley is currently the conductor of the Grade 11 Wind Symphony, Grade 12 Wind Symphony, and a staff advisor for the Music Council. He has also been a sessional lecturer at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, in instrumental music. He is also a member of Phi Beta Mu. At the 2013 Musicfest Canada “The Nationals”, Mr. Colley was awarded the Keith Mann Award, as outstanding band director at the festival.

Mr. Colley is a graduate of the University of Toronto, both at the Faculty of Music where he studied music education and trumpet, and at OISE, where he received his Bachelor of Education. He is active as a clinician, conductor, and adjudicator throughout Ontario.

In the Salvation Army, he is the bandmaster of the Yorkminster Citadel Band, which currently has grown to just over 40 members, ranging in age from 13 to 75. Mr. Colley is happily married to his wife Elizabeth and together they have 3 wonderful children, Brendan, Ryan, and Caitlin.

Ms. S Fabbro

grade 10 symphonic winds | string orchestra

MS. SARAH FABBROsoprano, is a graduate from the Honours Voice Performance program at Wilfrid Laurier University. During her studies, she was a finalist and scholarship winner at the NATS Great Lakes Regional and Regional Chapter competitions. Opera roles include La Fée in the Canadian premiere of Louis Aubert’s La Forêt Bleue, Jessie in Kurt Weill’s Mahogany, and the Foreign Woman in Gian Carlo Menotti’s The Consul in excerpts.


Ms. Fabbro has been a featured soloist with the Lyrica Choir in Barrie, a guest soloist at the Ontario Vocal Festival and is a performing artist for churches in the GTA.  She has participated in the Schlern International Music Festival in Italy, where she studied and performed in master classes and concerts.  Alongside her classical training, she loves performing with community music theater companies and as a jazz singer.

Her love of instrumental music, as well as vocal music, is what led her to a teaching career. Ms. Fabbro has enjoyed conducting concert bands, and concert, chamber and jazz choirs. She also enjoys arranging pieces for choral and vocal jazz ensembles.

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Mr. T Hindel

 grade 9 concert band | grade 9 concert winds

MR. TOBY HINDEL has previously taught music, history, and ESL at Richmond Green Secondary School. This year, Mr. Hindel will be teaching the Grade 9 Concert Band and Grade 9 Concert Winds. He will also be working with the percussionists from all grades, being a percussionist himself.

Mr. Hindel attended the University of Western Ontario where he majored in Music Education and Percussion. Upon graduation, he attended Nipissing University where he completed his Bachelor of Education degree. Mr. Hindel was also an active member of the Canadian Forces, performing with the military bands such as The Band of the Ceremonial Guard and the 7th Toronto Artillery Band.

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